By Taingreen
United Kingdom
I have just used Verdone lawn weedkiller on my lawn and then having come back in to wash out the watering can, I realised that I had used it at 10 times the recommended strength. What should I do - apart from digging up the lawn and starting from scratch of course?
24 Mar, 2012
A friend did something similar and he soaked the lawn and saved it do check the hose pipe ban in your area
25 Mar, 2012
Ban doesn't start till 5th April anywhere.
25 Mar, 2012
27/03 - Thanks for the answers so far - we don't know what a hosepipe ban is in these far northern parts and I have taken the advice and soaked it thoroughly morning and night on Sunday - here's hoping it'll survive - its not dead yet :-)
27 Mar, 2012
well Taingreen, if you don't have a hosepipe restriction in your area, stop everything and really soak your lawn in order to dilute the weed killer.
I see that you asked this question yesterday but i'm sure it will take a few days to have started some serious damage, just SOAK!
25 Mar, 2012