Taingreen's Profile

About me
Hated gardening until about 4 years ago when my grown up kids started us redesigning the front of the house. Ended up digging out tree roots by hand, laying about 800 bricks in a patio - and then unlaying them and doing it all again because my 25 year old son reckoned they weren't straight! Then we put in the edgings and asmall area of turf and the following year, bored with nothing to do I started on the back and eventually got into the building of raised beds and trying to grow some veg. It was joy to have our own home grown veg for the first time last autumn, despite the bad summer, but we are still very much novices as my disasterous attempt to use lawn weedkiller at 10 times normal strength has just proved. But I think I've taken to this gardening lark... it passes the time and when the results are good - you know you've succeeded despite your best efforts to make a pigs's ear of it all!
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Joined in Mar 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Ross-Shire