By Hank
United Kingdom
The disappearing beetroot
Some 3 weeks ago I set lots of different seeds in smallpots, hoping the weather would carry on improving. it did and I had 12 beetroot plants almost 3 inches ( 75 mls) tall which I transplanted into my raised bed under a low polytunnel, open at both ends.
I couldn't wait to check them out next morning but the lot had disappeared with no signs at all of slugs.
B____y birds I suspect ?
26 Mar, 2012
If they were under a polytunnel not birds... I'd suggest slugs. That said unless you are careful transplanting beetroot it will die.
26 Mar, 2012
I always thought you planted beetroot where you wanted it to grow and thinned out seedlings when it got too crowded. Having said that I haven't planted mine yet!
27 Mar, 2012
I always thought that too Cammomile, like carrots and parsnips.
27 Mar, 2012
Thanks for your replies. I've always started beetroot off in pots, then transferred it into my plot, and it's been successfull until I forgot to protect them this time.
But I've now set some more off straight into the plot as you suggested and I look forward to the results.
27 Mar, 2012
Good luck... which is what growing veggies is about!
27 Mar, 2012
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Or mice perhaps?
26 Mar, 2012