By Nana_d
United Kingdom
Hi does anyone use the same soil in the pots from the summer before or do you get new? Was thinking of mixing new with the old to save a bit of money?
27 Mar, 2012
I do sometimes,Nana d..but I do empty them out to check if there are any nasties in them,and then mix some new stuff with it..if its only for summer bedding,I put lots of broken up Polystyrene packaging in,as they don't need a lot of depth..or compost ! :o)
27 Mar, 2012
Ooh, that's a good idea Bloomer. Think I'll be filling mine up with polystyrene stuff!
27 Mar, 2012
I won't let OH throw any away..lots in the loft ! Lol.
27 Mar, 2012
Before re-using old pot compost, or putting in the compost bin, do check for vine weevil grubs!! Just a thought about less depth/compost ... most bedding plants are shallow rooted but they will need even more watering and feed if compost/soil is low.
27 Mar, 2012
Thanks everyone for you input, think I will definitely check for grubs and vine weevil and if it is OK put it in the garden and use new just to be on the safe side:)It is old compost Sheilar:)
27 Mar, 2012
I save all used compost, and then when about to plant a tub or basket I put the old stuff at the bottom, up to about a third, adding a bit of gravel for drainage. Then new compost for the top two-thirds . . . it seems to work.
28 Mar, 2012
Hi Sheilabub that sounds a good idea, last night I gave my pots a bit of a clean up and gave my ornamental grasses a hair cut, tonight I think I will go round checking all the soil for grubs and weevils then take top third compost out of the pots and fill to the top with new compost. Homebase gave me a 10% voucher that I can use for the next two weeks so I will keep my eyes open for any bargains. There was a slight frost this morning so glad I haven't put in any bedding yet! Did get a lovely shrub called Poropetalum Fire Dance bought three of them and have put two in pots outside the front door and one in a pot out the back. I am trying to fill two thirds of my pots (I have a pot addiction) with plants that last year after year and the rest with bedding as it costs so much. Thanks for your advice:)
28 Mar, 2012
You're obviously enjoying yourself, Nana! It's been so tempting to get things outside in this lovely weather, hasn't it, but we're doing the right thing being cautious. Glad you've found some Loropetalum Firedance . . . this was recommended to me last year by Spritzhenry, but even if the label says it's hardy, it's not! It's an excellent idea to put them in pots, as you can then shelter them from severe cold: I even put straw round my two (in the ground) last night, just in case. :)
28 Mar, 2012
Loropetalum is rated as H3 for hardiness - which means it's barely frost hardy. Needs a sheltered situation out of cold winds. Luckily, where you live, less of a problem.
28 Mar, 2012
Hi Bamboo thanks for the info the older guy in the the queue at The Range was enthusing about it as he had one and he did say it needed a sheltered spot which is where I have put them:)
28 Mar, 2012
Thanks Sheilabub I will put straw round them too they are lovely though aren't they:)
28 Mar, 2012
Yes, lovely when they look lovely, lol! Mine are looking extremely poorly right now, but I'm hoping for some fresh growth soon . . .
28 Mar, 2012
How big are your ones and how old are they?? The guy I was speaking to said they do shed their leaves.
28 Mar, 2012
Mine are only in their second year, so barely 1ft tall . . . although I tried protecting them over the winter (with straw and an upturned hanging basket!), I'm not sure if they've come through. I'll keep hoping though . .
28 Mar, 2012
Mine are about a foot tall too I do hope they survive next winter:(
28 Mar, 2012
Previous question
« Anyone know why some sparrows are pulling petals off this ?
Do you mean actual soil, or compost? The used compost I just throw onto the garden and use new. I tend to only use soil in really big pots where I'm not going to be changing it for years and just top dress it with fresh compost from time to time. I suppose you could re-use it but you would have to add some nutrients to it.
27 Mar, 2012