By Gmsawyer27
United Kingdom
what are the yellow beads that I find in my flower pots each spring when pulling out the old root balls etc
30 Mar, 2012
perhaps snail eggs .
31 Mar, 2012
I'm with Leigh on this one. I'd stomp on them with hob-nails.
31 Mar, 2012
As per the first answer...i'd say it was the osmocote fertilizer.
31 Mar, 2012
Snail eggs are clear, and white. I think the yellow ones are old slow release fertiliser, as T says.
31 Mar, 2012
TugB and OjiB have given you the correct answer, slow release fertiliser.
31 Mar, 2012
Agree - slow release fertiliser pellets.
31 Mar, 2012
i knew youd come threw mg lol
1 Apr, 2012
lol NP
1 Apr, 2012
: ) x
2 Apr, 2012
Most likely spent timed release fertilizer that whoever grew the flowers used.
31 Mar, 2012