By Scotkat
Who else has snow ,we must have about 8 inches and still snowing and started to blow now.
Just when all in garden was looking good.
3 Apr, 2012
Yes, me too. 18 cm and still it falls .........
3 Apr, 2012
Take care Wilma
3 Apr, 2012
You too, Kath. Luckily, I do not have to go anywhere today, which is just as well because I couldn't if I wanted to!
Ah well, we had it good for a while there......
Great bonus for the ski resorts for Easter holidays! And, inside looking out from the warm, it does look stunning with every branch of every tree laden with snow.
3 Apr, 2012
We also have plenty, heavy wet stuff. There seems to be a small amount of damage to shrubs but not too much. Now that we have electricity again I have to go and cut down one Juniperous hibernica that has collapsed across the front gateway.
3 Apr, 2012
Heavy snow last night and still snowing. All daffodils are covered and strawberry plants as well. Tulips still doing OK though but not sure if my strawberry plants will survive in this snow.
3 Apr, 2012
Only to be expected really - schools broke up for Easter on Friday!
3 Apr, 2012
Oh, B, sad news about your Juniper. Our power was off, too, but not for long. The kids here have their sledges out again!
Sunny now, but only 2.6C outside.
3 Apr, 2012
It's you guys up in Scotland and the far North getting snow, saw it on the forecast last night. We've just had a 5 minute torrential downpour of hailstones, but that's it.
3 Apr, 2012
All we've had is a rather chilly wind and a short rain shower.
And a bit of sun for our new solar panels!!
3 Apr, 2012
Oh dear - I caught the tail end of the weather forecast for the south - seems we're to expect some snow, sleet, rain, hail - anything goes, overnight and during tomorrow. Lovely...
3 Apr, 2012
We got snow overnight forecast was spot on B.
3 Apr, 2012
It's so localised around me. Only a mile away there was a hail storm earlier today while I had about two minutes of light rain
3 Apr, 2012
Ours has arrived this morning,as predicted..looked out at 5am,and nothing,so thought it had missed us..not so ! started at 6am,and well covered now,and windy ..grr !
4 Apr, 2012
No snow here - about 2 hours of rain last night, spread out, sunny and bright from 7 a.m., but chilly.
4 Apr, 2012
We haven't any bad weather here in Leigh-on-Sea, we do seem to miss the worst of the bad weather here, hope I haven't spoken too soon though, weather is sunny & warmish but did have some rain in the night and guess what I left one of my water butts tap on open Grrr! Silly me :o))
4 Apr, 2012
Well, to my absolute disgust and disappointment, we've had about 3 spots of rain in the last 24 hours, and in the previous 24, 2 hours of intermittent light stuff. It's cloudy and chilly, but no rain...
5 Apr, 2012
Bamboo - that's three spots more than here
5 Apr, 2012
It's so annoying, Andrewr- I've just seen footage of a street in London proper today and it was absolutely chucking it down there.
-2 forecast for tonight here, had to plastic shroud my clematis Niobe which is in full bud...
5 Apr, 2012
Oh dear, awful..I hope your poor plants will be ok..couldn't have come at a worse time for them..I saw the bad forecast for all of you living up far,we have only had a small shower of rain,but it's cold here..expecting more later..maybe some snow on the hills..
stay warm and safe..and hope it goes as quickly as it came..
3 Apr, 2012