Can anybody help identify this flower?
United Kingdom
The photo was taken in July 2003. I left the plant behind when I moved house an am now regretting it!

20 Apr, 2009
Thanks for your reply. I had wondered whether it might be a Ligularia as it has a pretty distinctive flowerhead, but the leaves were serrated. It was very tall. It was in a raised border in full sun, so the soil wasn't particularly damp.
20 Apr, 2009
It was indeed a ligularia x palmatiloba: I've found a match!
20 Apr, 2009
Well done Sbg, one happy customer! Pleased for you Mariannewil, nothing like hindsight/regrets!
20 Apr, 2009
looks like one of the Ligularia species. was it tall and happy in dampish soil?
20 Apr, 2009