By Sapperdick
United Kingdom
Will lilly of the valley push up through grass as other bulbs do such as daffs and crocus?
3 Apr, 2012
BA is so right! They just seem to come back stronger if you mow them too.
3 Apr, 2012
I have the opposite problem - I can't get them to grow!
3 Apr, 2012
I've got hundreds of them and keep digging them out - life's a bitch isn't it Ojibway??
3 Apr, 2012
They dont like my garden too ......
3 Apr, 2012
I have them coming up between my paving slabs.
3 Apr, 2012
They are taking over in a small area of my garden, they came from next door originally.
3 Apr, 2012
Sheila, Cinderalla, Michaella - what conditions do they enjoy .... maybe they dont like clay? Would love to get them spreading in my woodland. :)
3 Apr, 2012
I gave my parents a small clump and the old man hasn't managed to kill them off yet - and he can kill anything!!
3 Apr, 2012
It's one of those hate-you or love-you plants - you either can't grow it or you can't get rid of it!
3 Apr, 2012
They come through to mine from next door! No matter how much you pull out they just keep coming.
Mines grow up through into moist soil with no sunlight what so ever Dawnsaunt.
3 Apr, 2012
Mine in the back garden are in a walled part of the garden but in full sun most of the day (facing south). The ones in the front garden are in quite moist soil, in shade most of the day (facing north). So I would say they aren't really fussy about the conditions they grow in!!
3 Apr, 2012
I think they like it fairly moist, but saying that I have a few coming up now in a dry part of the garden. Will send you some roots later Dawn, can't take them up at the moment but if you pm me your address I will make a note and send you some after they have finished flowering.
3 Apr, 2012
It took us ages to get ours established, but now they are as happy as anything, growing in shallow clay soil over rock and in shade under a huge cherry tree. I'm expecting them to turn up in the lawn at any moment to join the primroses, violets, clover, rose suckers, vinca, etc.......
4 Apr, 2012
I love it but it is reluctant to get a hold in my garden. life is so unfair.
4 Apr, 2012
Previous question
Lily of the valley will push up through anything, probably even tarmac! Hope they are not a problem in your lawn, Richard.
3 Apr, 2012