By Apw
United Kingdom
We have a half acre paddock in Norfolk which we want to create a garden in. There is a drainage channel down one side. However, in the recent rain the paddock has become very waterlogged, particularly in the centre. We were wondering about digging a pond in one corner and whether that would help dry out the rest of the paddock. Do we need to dig ditches and put in drainage pipe? Could we have a system where the drainage pipe lead to a pond?
10 Apr, 2012
why dont you build the bond litteraly in the middle wear the wet is . the thing is if your water table isnt always hight youl lose your fish every time it dries right out which could be often enough for your fish etc to die and it will look nasty . in that respect i would deal with the drainage first and consider the pond a completly different project ie put a pond liner in or a moulded pond or cement thats been treated . what you could do is put the pond in the middle and have a nice bog garden put in to soak up your wet behind it or even 3 sides of it . you just bury some normal polythene and stab lots of holes in it and then plant up . a good bit further back on your boarder you could get some nice water loving shrubs etc and youl litteraly have a nice senterpiece . you could buld a seating area your side or the side facing the house . this should at least inspire you as it will deal with a lot of your trouble or at very least inspire you . regards leigh .ps gunnera is an awsome bog plant given the roam to grow to its full .
12 Apr, 2012
i live in norfolk bye the way lol in thetford .
12 Apr, 2012
Water will not defy gravity - the pond will fill but the rest will remain soggy.
In digging a large pond out you'll be left with the soil that you've removed. Get some hardcore, and use the soil to make raised areas along with the hardcore. Grassy banks leading up to what would effectively be raised beds. Create a screened area at the bottom to hide any sheds, compost heaps etc, and dig another smaller pond too. Use this second pond for any watering needs that may occur.
Planting could be fun!! As NP says, Gunnera is spectacular! There are some stunning pond marginals such as Iris, Lobelia etc. Mature Bamboo (not youngsters). A quick Google came up with this..............
For the raised beds, the world is your oyster!
12 Apr, 2012
I'm not qualified to answer this question - maybe someone else on here is, but I'd suggest you consult a specialist company that deals with drainage problems, or a landscaping company or architect who is prepared to give you a consultation to tell you how to proceed.
11 Apr, 2012