When should I repot my phalaenopsis orchid and how, also is it a good time to buy other orchids or is april too late?
By Ephal27
United Kingdom
I recently bought a phalaenopsis orchid about 4 months ago which is in full flower, 13 large flowers with healthy looking white exposed roots and roots in the bark although the orchid is propped up on a stick it looks very big, about 60cm tall from top of pot to tip of flower. I had some problems with bud blasts earlier last month losing two buds and I want to know
a) what fertiliser I should use, if any.
b) when and how to repot it.
c) what other house plant orchids would be suitable for a novice like me and is it still ok to buy them, if so ones that are already in bloom or not?? Or even seeds?
On plant
Phalaenopsis aphrodite
21 Apr, 2009
My wife never feeds her Phalaenopsis, has never repotted them and they flower almost continuously. She waters them with room warm rain water once a week - a complete dunking for about 10 minutes then let all remaining water drain out.
21 Apr, 2009
i never saw those at lidl and i work for them. hopefully our store will get them too and soon
21 Apr, 2009
Nstressful, it was several weeks, possibly a month ago now...
22 Apr, 2009
ah may have been since i been off sick then.
22 Apr, 2009
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Hi Ephal27 unless you really have to I would not repot the Phalaenopsis whilst it is flowering as you are likely to lose some of the flowers that are still to come out. You can buy a little tub of orchid compost that will last for ages as you use such a tiny amount each time, just follow the instructions. Right now I am feeding about once a month but more often would not hurt. As to other easy orchids try a Dendrobium and now is as good a time as any to buy - I'd get one that is just coming into flower and has plenty of buds. Believe it or not Lidl were selling Dendrobiums in a huge tall glass vase for just over £6 a few weeks ago. I bought one managed, thankfully, to get it out of the vase and it is flowering away happily on our kitchen table. Hum maybe I should take a pix and put up for you to see - will do so tomorrow.
21 Apr, 2009