Iris bulbs
By Kathirsf
north county, california,
United States
My bulbs are approximately 8 years old, and they are producing fewer flowers each year. Should I do something to encourage more flowers?
21 Apr, 2008
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Let's just check what type of Irises they are. Are they bulbs - little early spring flowers, or Dutch Irises (also bulbs but tall and early summer) which do need to be buried, or are they the ones from rhizomes? I agree with Tammielee's advice but if they are from rhizomes, they need splitting every few years and replanting with the rhizomes on top of the soil to get a baking from the sun.
22 Apr, 2008
Your right, I should have called them rhizomes. I guess I have spring 'bulbs' on my brain!
22 Apr, 2008
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I am no Iris expert, but I have many Iris's. Every three or four years, I dig the entire bunch up. I discard the bulbs that are in the middle of the group, and replant the bulbs. Leave very little dirt on the very top of the bulbs, they don't like to be buried. One year, I had over 50 flowers on each grouping. Feed them every year as well. I use "Perennial Food" pellets three times a year (spring, early summer, and late summer). Hope this helps. Oh! Also, I never, ever cut down the dead greens over the winter, I tend to think the dry foliage protects the bulbs over the winter. I cut back the dead plant in the spring.
22 Apr, 2008