LANTANA ~ What should Conker do with this ?
By Terratoonie
A friend kindly bought me this Lantana today from Lidl.
I've admired these pretty flowers on photos from Terry60 and Delonix1 in hotter countries, so am I right to presume this plant is not hardy over a British winter outdoors ?
Please advise Conker the Sheltie on planting and winter care for this Lantana. Any information welcome. Where to plant ? Type of soil ? Thank you for your time in answering this question. :o)
Photo of Conker and Lantana here below....

23 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Terry60.
Your photos of Lantana are really lovely. :o)
23 Apr, 2009
Lantana, frost tender min 10-13degC. Needs full light and fertile, well drained soil. Tip prune young plants to promote bushy habit. Propagate by seed or semi ripe cuttings. all parts may cause severe discomfortt if ingested, and contact with foilage may irritate skin.
RHS Encyclopedia of Plants and flowers.
Hope this helps.
23 Apr, 2009
Thanks Treesandthings ~
My skin is allergic to some plants, so I'll be very careful there, and I'll locate my Lantana in the front garden, well away from my dogs.:o)
23 Apr, 2009
they are often grown in butterfly world type gardens so hot and humid is preffered bt they are toxic.
23 Apr, 2009
Thank you Seaburngirl..:o)
23 Apr, 2009
You could suggest that Conker keeps it as an indoor plant that he could take outside on nice sunny days .... I know that it likes well drained and fertile soil, but perhaps other more expert Goyers could help out here ...
It really is a pretty plant TT and I'm sure that Conker knows exactly what to do
23 Apr, 2009