can my hebe be pruned?
United Kingdom
my hebe has been flowering non stop for at least 3 years/now it is 6ft high and in danger of falling down/we left pruning as it hasnt stopped flowering/but is it safe to prune it now?/i would hate to lose it/ any suggestions gratefully recieved
On plant

24 Apr, 2009
just don't cut back into old wood,
really they don't need much prunig, just to keep to shape after flowering
24 Apr, 2009
If you are going to prune it, do it in late may and go back to healthy shoots. I did one of my rather lanky ones last year and it is fine!
24 Apr, 2009
My friend's neighbour thought he was doing her a favour by hacking back her hebe, almost to the bare bones. Within a year it had bounced back and is now going great guns.
25 Apr, 2009
I'd prune out about a 1/3 if you are worried about loosing
it. dont forget you can use the growing tips cut off as cuttings for propagation.
or cut each branch down by a bout 1/3 . give it a mulch and it should be fine.
i have a few hebes and one nearest the wall flowers most of the year too.
24 Apr, 2009