Where can we purchase catnip - nepeta cataria and cat mint nepeta mussinii either as plants or seeds?
By Lencrisp
United Kingdom
We would like to purchase catnip and catnip as soon as possible please. We realise that we are too late for seeds but would settle for attempting to germinate them now. Plants would be preferred.
On plant
24 Apr, 2009
Related photos
Related products
Nepeta 'six Hills Giant' (Catmint)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Nepeta X Faassenii (Catmint)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Nepeta Racemosa 'Walker's Low' (Catnip)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Calamintha Nepeta Subsp. Nepeta 'Blue Cloud' (Lesser Catmint)
£7.99 at Crocus
Nickys nurseries advertise as having the seeds.
If you copy and paste the above address into your browser it should come up with the page. It is about the fourth nepeta on the page if you scroll down from the top.
24 Apr, 2009