Are these 'anti-mole' plants safe?
By Carolb
United Kingdom
I have moles in my veg patch and a frien has given me several 'bulbs' for anti-mole plants. they are from China and are from the family Bignoniacae-Incarvillea. The attached paper says they should be planted 14metres apart and have flowers 24 - 60 cm. A single plant can cover 20 metres. Shouls I use then or not?
24 Apr, 2009
Even if it doesn't work. Incarvillea is a beautiful flowering plant. But place sharp sand round it in Autumn to mark where it is and deter the Slugs and Snails who love it.
24 Apr, 2009
you cant win lol
25 Apr, 2009
Haha! I'd definitely not grow anything in my veg patch to attract slugs and snails. :-)
26 Apr, 2009
id do it somewear to atract them in the day at rest and go and kill them
26 Apr, 2009
Could we send you all ours, NP, for a cement burial? :-)
27 Apr, 2009
you wont need to lick the envelope lol
27 Apr, 2009
Well - why not? Give it a go and tell us if it works!
Good luck!
24 Apr, 2009