By Edbranch
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Which tomato containers?
I read that growing tomatoes in growbags wasn't the best method. (Lack of space for roots & sometimes poor quality compost)
It was suggested that growing them in the base of the greenhouse was better. My greenhouse floor is concrete. I was considering partition boards across part of the floor & growing plants in compost but I am concerned about drainage etc. Should I stick to growbags or pots or is it worth a try?
23 Apr, 2012
Thanks TeeGee, that is a great help.
I think ring culture is the way forward.
I have quite a lot of old largish pots - some with the bottoms missing that I have used before for growing tomatoes. I'll give it a try
23 Apr, 2012
Good idea Steragram.
I guess you can use almost anything to make pots out of. I have some spare vinyl flooring.
Previously I have used sections from old large bags that you get sand & gravel delivered in, stapled together.
23 Apr, 2012
If you go to the supermarkets they will sell you the large pots they have flowers in I got 10 for £1 at Morrisons and all I do is drill holes in the bottom
24 Apr, 2012
I'm surprised these are wide enough, but a real bargain if they are! Do you drill lots of large holes so the roots can penetrate into the gro bag?
24 Apr, 2012
Just a thought - I wonder if making bottomless "pots" by stapling vinyl floor covering into cylinders would be possible? I seem to remember seeing similar things made of a sort of flexible fibre board or something similar. Might give it a go this summer.
23 Apr, 2012