By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
More queries on strawberries - help please. i've got some planted in a hanging plant bag which holds 20 litres, I've put in 6, is that too many? Would they do well in grow bags? And they are ones which are supposed to be "cold stored" so they spring into life very quickly but at present they look fairly dead tho' they have massive roots, they are Hapil and Honyone (spelling?) varieties, has anyone tried these?
23 Apr, 2012
I have seen those bags, they are cylinder in shape. mt concern is that they would dry out very quickly and Strawberries love water. In summer they need watering twice a day.
Personally I find Strawberries grow best in a raised bed. Mine have got pretty large and send of runners. I am guessing that you have runners as they will fit into these bags and not a 2-3 y/o plant which is too large. I have Hapil, Sonata, 'Cambridge favourite' and El Santa as well as wild alpine ones (foolish me as they grow like mad). All are good - Sonata being a fav.
24 Apr, 2012
Thank you all very much - well, Ooops, I've clearly put too many in the bag thing and didn't soak them - they didn't say to do that, just to put them in damp compost till I could plant them properly. So, shall I take some of them out? I've got a couple of quite big plastic troughs - 3.5 feet long and 10 inches wide so think I'll use these with some moisure retaining gel crystals and some "Dug" . What do you think?
24 Apr, 2012
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I can't say I have seen 'hanging bags' so I can't relate to them but with grow bags I would put three plants per bag.
If you have got your plants from a reliable source you should have got some instructions with them, the most important of these instructions is to soak the roots of your plants prior to planting them, choose which container type you use!
I hope that helps!
23 Apr, 2012