By Melchisedec
United Kingdom
Hi This is my first question, but I can tell that there are some very knowledgeable people out there! I have an olive tree in a pot. It is the second one I have tried - the other died because of frost, I think. How should I care for it? It's in a sunny position on the patio. I have just potted it on - I have had it a year. Does it need to come inside in winter? Will it ever produce fruit (it has had flowers)?
28 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bamboo - I thought it probably wouldn't fruit, but I will follow your advice in winter.
28 Apr, 2012
i have a cple of small olives, and they survived our cold spell this winter pretty well, - minus 13C for 3 days- didnt even lose any leaves.
Most of the other olives in the area lost theirs but were not damaged otherwise. I think they are pretty hardy.
The only thing they absolutely hate are dampness around their roots, it will kill them pretty quickly.
If they are more than a cple of years old dont bother even about watering them where you are!
I really like your garden.
7 May, 2012
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No, it won't crop, particularly where you are. You might get the odd olive in a good year, but mostly not, specially contained in a pot.
These are reasonably hardy, so suggest you move it somewhere very sheltered for winter, say against a wall which gets any sun there is, out of cold winds, and not in a frost pocket. Wrap the pot in bubblewrap to insulate the roots. If we have a severe winter, though, you will need to have somewhere to remove it to under cover or inside which is cool, but not below 3 or 4 degrees C during the worst of the onslaught.
28 Apr, 2012