pets and lawn care
By Poppyandwill
United Kingdom
is it safe to use weed and feed on lawns with rabbits running around and grazing on the grass?
25 Apr, 2009
I have a rabbit who goes out into the garden and would not feel comfortable putting any weed killer down. I have just lost her companion to a complication from a stomach problem and it is just not something I'd risk, even if people assured me it was safe.
25 Apr, 2009
buy more rabbits and you wont need weed killer
26 Apr, 2009
Oh Nosey!!!! LOL good answer though ;o)
26 Apr, 2009
It's for that very reason I don't use the stuff, apart from stopping all the insects coming into our garden, which in turn attracts birds and all sorts of wildlife. I'm happy with daises and moss. :-)
26 Apr, 2009
yes i feal the same craft.i sore the biggest most beautifull dandylion and flower the other could also get a goat lol
26 Apr, 2009
please dont chance it, i have guinea pigs so i dont weed or feed. i think the amount of poo they produce probably is sufficient as a feed. As for the weeds. bunnies and piggies love dandelions. just keep moving the run about
26 Apr, 2009
mageth has your answer.rabbits eat there poo twice bunny guinea pigs dont so they have to eat loads
26 Apr, 2009
The run off from these gets into the water supply and is not good for humans,or river fish, worse direct for your rabbits I would think
25 Apr, 2009