By Muddywalters
Hi Folks,
Has anybody out there grown a Clover lawn? Sure I saw an article on it in the recent past, but can't for the life of me remember where.
29 Apr, 2012
I get clover in my lawn, but I have never actually grown it as a lawn, I just mow it as all the rest, {it keeps the lawn looking a bit greener if you get a drought} Derekm.
29 Apr, 2012
Creeping clover is also the only thing green in my lawn. I have heard some (eco types) say that it is better than grass, but I doubt the nitrogen fixating part of the benefit though - as it is all used by the plant itself!
I would have thought seeding a lawn with some none creeping varieties would be the way to go and then never fertilising it. I used a very high Nitrogen fertiliser yesterday to help rid myself of the creeping stuff, so the reverse must be true.
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Derekm - if you mow, does the clover still flower?
Hi Sandra, nice to see you again too - haven't progressed far from beans on toast or with cheese on a baked spud!
This article I saw or read said that the clover only grows about 2 or 3 inches tall and flowers all Summer, attracting Bees, Insects and Birds. Can't remember if it was red or white, or which variety it was though - also if it was grown with grass or on its own. Thinking about it . . . it may have been in a magazine at the dentists!
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Kildermorie. :-)
29 Apr, 2012
Interesting need another visit,Muddy...some guys have all the fun ! Lol.
29 Apr, 2012
That depends on how long you leave the grass, I have mine pretty short but I still get some flowering, especially if I don,t cut it often enough, lol, derekm.
29 Apr, 2012
Look at if anyone knows about clover lawns it should be them.
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Gaia01 . . . I was on Goo**e for more than an hour and didn't manage to find this site - thanks very much. :-)
29 Apr, 2012
I think that you keep the grass mixed in it and keep cutting (on highest setting) after you have sown the white clover. I would not mind having a clover lawn (does have green colour and is good for Bees), it is the creeping stuff that goes into borders and everywhere else that is the stuff you do not want. It is quite therapeutic to rip up, but even that becomes a bore after a few minutes! Let us know how you get on.
29 Apr, 2012
There's an enormous amount of clover in one of my customers lawns. He's organic so we don't treat it which suits me.
It flowers between lawn cutting and stays beautifully green in the longest of droughts
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks all for your advice and comments (even the cheeky ones . . . you know who you are!). Will let you know how things progress.
1 May, 2012
I'd add a note of caution - if you want to walk, lay or sit on it in the summer, be careful - I got stung twice in my old garden from standing barefoot in a patch of flowering clover which I'd not noticed had bees on it...
3 May, 2012
Thanks Bamboo . . I'll 'bare' that in mind. Do you think we're gonna get a Summer this year then? ;-)
5 May, 2012
Sod's law dictates that, having first been flooded and subjected to loads of rain and cold, it'll turn hot and dry as a bone simply because half the country is under a Drought Order... what do you reckon, lol!
5 May, 2012
Ha ha ha . . I'm inclined to agree with you!
9 May, 2012
Just saw your question , Mark..Mw... lol...
If you want a patch that doesn't need constant primping you should be serious about clover. It is wonderful stuff...and all the comments above both pro and con do apply...but...I have this deep distrust of huge chemical companies who produce GMO's which are habituated to their particular brand of herbicide...and I'm one of those "eco-types"...who won't use their poisons on my patch of mother earth... soap box now removed.
I think if you try clover you'll be surprised how easy it is to keep and how lush it remains when it's dry...(but you don't have that problem right now, aye?)
if you prepared the soil for it you won't have many weed interlopers than you can't just pull them by hand.
17 Jul, 2012
Thanks Lori, I have the seed and will be sowing it shortly! I don't use chemicals either ;-))
17 Jul, 2012
sorry to be the party pooper here but my white clover, and we did sow lots of it in with the grass 6 years ago, dies down during the summer, i had heard it didnt, so am rather disappointed but at all other times it is great for wildlife, looks good and is easy to manage, and fills up so many gaps where grass just refuses to
something tells me though Muddy that clover dying back in the summer wont be a problem in Lancs ;~))
17 Jul, 2012
Hahaha . . Resi, I have a feeling you could be right!
18 Jul, 2012
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Hi Mark..nice to see you again :o) .I have never seen or heard of a clover lawn,so it will be interesting to find out..
How is the bean eating going ? Lol..hope you have some new exotic recipes..:o)
29 Apr, 2012