By Krisy
Does any one know anything about Gem Squash?, do they need lots of room to grow like a pumpkin or are they more like a squash?, I'm not sure whether or not to try one in my raised beds or out in the paddock with the pumpkins.
4 May, 2012
Little gems are pretty easy to grow, our plants have just produced the first crop, pick the fruit when they are young and tender, allowing to the plant to continue fruiting. Prepare the veg bed as the same as Marrow plant.
Sow in spring time is recommended, but I am yet to see if we can plant all the year around providing its not to cold. We had them in Cape for 3/4 of the year.
We use a lot of chook poo worked into the soil and create a small well around the plant. Water well and do not wet the leaves as this will encourage mildew, remove old leaves if necessary. They need full sun and in the first month the plant can be damaged by wind. Suggest that you use a deep seed tray to start off. Plant at least 2 plants, and need to know that the bees will pollinate the flowers or you will have to use a paint brush . Our previous property did not any bees. 4x 4 m area would be idea on well drained soil, or over sloping back or rockery would be fine. They don't like humidity, but we will on the Sunshine coast and so far so good.
Hope this will help.
29 Dec, 2012
Only that they have fruit the size of grapefruit which suggests they are more like a squash.
4 May, 2012