By Aspcn
United Kingdom
hi i have just bought some cucumber plants for my greenhouse are they better off in growbags or large pots, i have some 9" pots would they be big enough. thanks
7 May, 2012
7 May, 2012
Consider this if you want to use growbags;
Instead of laying them flat form them into effectively two pots by;
1) Before opening the bag grip the bag at its centre and let equal amounts of compost trickle to either end of the bag.
2) Cut the bag in half, roll down the bag edges this will help to stiffen the bag.
Cut a few drainage holes in the bottom of the bag, voila!
You have two big pots ready for planting.
7 May, 2012
9" sounds a bit small to me - give 'em as much root space as you possibly can.
7 May, 2012
Yes, normally I would have said that a 12" pot was the minimum size possible.
7 May, 2012
We usually grow ours in 12" pots, but 9" will prob. be fine. Or a grow bag. Secret is to water and feed regularly.
7 May, 2012