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Is Camassia cuisickii edible?
On plant
Camassia cusickii
7 May, 2012
Yes, the bulbs are edible, but take great care not to confuse the bulbs of this plant with any other bulbous plant - many others are toxic.
7 May, 2012
C. esculenta certainly is, Quamash of the Plains Indians, roasted. I am sure I have read that all Camassias were eaten not just C. esculenta. Mind at £10 for 3 bulbs in flower, it would be an expensive meal!
7 May, 2012
Very expensive Owdb.
7 May, 2012
Thanks, all.
What I am thinking to do is grow hundreds of Camassia (including both C. esculenta and C. cusickii) from seed.
Clearly C. esculenta is very edible: 'Googling' I have conducted on C. cusickii is inconclusive (hence my question).
I am not too concerned about retail value. One of the things that interests me particularly about Camassias in general is their multi-functional properties (for example - they apparently make a good cut flower).
I am not thinking specifically to go into commercial production, by the way: I am more interested (for the next few years, at any rate) from a plantsman's point of view. I will learn what I can about the whole Camassia genus.
Any other information from peoples' personal knowledge and experience would be much appreciated.
Thanks for such rapid replies, by the way - most unexpected; but most welcome.
7 May, 2012
I'd like any at all - have never been able to find any in garden centres, maybe its time I checked on line...
7 May, 2012
We have all three species and a variegated form of C. leichtlinii. All of them were bought from Bridgemere Nurseries when it was a private company and not part of Wyevale. They seem to like our well drained peaty silt. The bulbs bulk up very quickly, but take a long time to flower from seed. They do not always produce seeds for us though.
I am sure that the bulbs are on sale in Autumn from Taylors bulb company.
7 May, 2012
I bought Camassia a couple of years ago at a local garden centre. I've found they seem to spread very happily. Like Owdboggy I have peaty well drained soil and they're in sun. Looking lovely at the moment.
7 May, 2012
Crocus 5-99 (5 bulbs) but of course not yet available. ;)
7 May, 2012
Related photos
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Camassia Leichtlinii (Camassia Bulbs)
£5.99 at Crocus -
Camassia Quamash
£3.50 at Unwins
Not that I am aware of
7 May, 2012