By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Is it too late to plant dahlia tubers.
- 8 May, 2012
I won't be planting mine in the garden until the threat of frosts has gone so a few more weeks from now.
8 May, 2012
You could always start them off indoors/coldframe too. Might be able to get some basal cuttings for free plants...
8 May, 2012
To quicken the process, start them off in the house, on a windowsill that's not too cold. Pot them up, moisten the compost if it needs it, but don't give it a good water, leave on the windowsill and just wait. When growth begins, start watering normally. Move/plant outside end of May.
8 May, 2012
No, not at all.
8 May, 2012