United Kingdom
Any tips on controlling MYOB? It seems to be spreading across my Borders and around the base of my plants so presumably herbicide is not going to be likely, alll help appreciated Jon
15 May, 2012
In bed or border, spot-treat patches of the weed using a total weed killer, such as glyphosate. For best results, bruise the plant with the back of a rake or crush it underfoot before applying glyphosate. Avoid spraying on a windy day and near other desirable plants. After trying the new roundup gel I would recommend or something similar
15 May, 2012
Mind your own business? ... No, I'm not being cheeky!
15 May, 2012
Ah, mind your own business, Soleireila. I looked it up as an acronym and was given 4 options - Make Your Own Bed, Make Your Own Bullets and Mind Your Own Business plus one other I've forgotten... Make Your Own Bullets is an interesting one...
Glyphosate, as Steve says above, but try to use a generic straightforward glyphosate rather than Round up - the latter has undesirable effects in the environment because of certain additives, is not bio degradable and does build up in the soil. Straightforward glyphosate is cheaper than Round up too, and often has instructions for use in a watering can as well as a spray.
15 May, 2012
I assume the goyer is referring to Mind-your-own-business Soleirolia soleirolii.
15 May, 2012
Erm yes, I worked that out, pretty sure he didn't mean Make Your Own Bullets. Well, I hope he didn't...
15 May, 2012
Nice one Bamboo I have learned something regarding Round up gel.
15 May, 2012
Round up spray too - I reckon the Gel is probably less harmful because you use so little of it. Just bought some, don't know how effective it is though - need to treat weeds growing through a lovely Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets, therefore impossible to dig them out or spray with anything. I'm not convinced it'll work, but we'll see. Out of interest, Steveg, how much did you pay for yours? I got it in Wilkinson last week for £6.98.
15 May, 2012
Thanks everyone- glyphosate it is, but on a windless day as I don't want to damage my desirables (that sounds rude!) i gave tried to hand clear but it only reduces and it soon comes back...
15 May, 2012
It would be nice to have a like button on answered comments as some of them are really funny!
15 May, 2012
I know that it may not be to everyones taste, but it is harmless enough in itself... Why not just let it go?
You can easily plant stuff through it, and it covers (just about anything) very well..
Just a thought.
15 May, 2012
What's MYOB?
15 May, 2012