Can anyone suggest a flowering evergreen hedge for zone 6?
United States
I just moved to Forest Hills New York and am struggling to find a flowering (preferably with some fragrance) hedge that isn't deciduous. A number of my neighbors use forsythia but they look so bare in the winter...
Suggestions? We'd like something that will grow to at least 6'
1 May, 2009
more suggestions from the uk, where we never wrestle with a new york winter and all the trains stop for a few inches of snow - abelia grandiflora? pittosporum, er hardiest you can find? rosa mutabilis, more or less evergreen, and such a lot of variety through the season....?
2 May, 2009
Vibernum tinus is evergreen and has fragrant flowers and is used for hedging. I'm in the UK though and am not sure how cold hardy it is for where you live. You could check with your local garden centre if no - one else here knows.
1 May, 2009