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Hi all not a question yet, just writing a wee note to introduce myself, been lurking for a few days now :) I'm garden daft but only just been able to properly start my garden this year as I work full time and have a four year old. Have just kept it ticking over, planted a few bits, lifted turf for borders to go in and trying to create a nice lawn, still struggling with the lawns, reseeded last year with limited success, due to trying to take shortcuts, been using the good weather to scarify it, raked out loads of that h and moss, can see lots of patches of last years seed doing its best to get established, need to get some top dressing next and cross my fingers!!!! My 4 year old has been scattering lots of flower seeds, I'm letting her just pop them where she wants, I like the cottage garden look :) I
Trying to upload some pics but not sure if possible from iPad so will try later from pc, I've been taking pix for a few weeks now and looking forward to sharing them with like minded people, have been enjoying readi g and seeing everyone's posts and look forward to getting to know you all and sharing my successes ....... And inevitable failures, first of which I think will be the clump of snow in summer I just yanked out of the ground on way home from work , had meandered onto a footpath/ grass verge from an unloved garden. I have just turned over my raised beds ( which had rotten timber slats as walls which ivedug out) the beds haven had new walls put up or compost of any sort added yet, but they looked so bare thought might as well give it a bash to cheer it up for now!!! Also found some sort of geranium that someone had dug up n dumped so again threw that into the bare patch and will wait n see what happens!!!!! I did successfully split my red hot poker last week so think I might be lucky!!!!! Well I've rambled on a bit so will now go slug squashing and watering....... No hose pipe ban here in Glasgow yet!!!! Be back soon hopefully with pix ;£



Welcome to GoY! I'm sure you'll enjoy the site. It's full of friendly helpful folk who are just as gardening daft as you!

28 May, 2012


And welcome from me, too, Magnadoodle! You sound just the perfect person to get the most out of and enjoy this site. I only joined last September and I'm badly hooked, not to say totally GoYdependent now. Have fun!

28 May, 2012


Welcome from me too...i joined a few months ago but it's so addictive i couldn't get any gardening done !! ha ha so had to "ban " myself from putting computer on !!.
It's a great site and there is always someone ready to give advice and encouragement .

28 May, 2012


Thanks everyone x slug patrol resulted in one casualty for me, a dahlia I planted on Friday, one of a pack of 6, he joins 12 violas :( ...... 32 slimy rebels squashed in the counter attack lol..... And some back ache for me, shoulda done round 2 but back aching!!! I refuse to buy pellets!

28 May, 2012


welcome to GoY, hope you like it on here!

i spend far too long on here, but im sure you will be more sensible than me!!

28 May, 2012


Welcome from me too Magnadoodle - looking forward to seeing your pictures. This is a great friendly site - I'm sure you will enjoy :)

28 May, 2012


A lot of us on here don't like using chemicals in the garden more than we absolutely have to, but slugs and snails are an exception with me. The blue metaldehyde ones work so well, but are not very animal or eco-friendly, so I found some non-toxic stuff in a garden centre. It's more like flakes than pellets, and rain seems to wash them away quite easily. They don't work as well, but together with a bucket, an early morning collection round and a stout pair of crushing boots, you can keep the little perishers at bay quite effectively, unless your garden is enormous.

29 May, 2012


Thanx. I have 2 cats who like to nibble on my grass and neighbouring cats do same, can't risk chemicals, I do use weedol in my paving slabs, they're getting mortared soon...... Another back breaking job, will also maybe get rid of an ant nest or 2, got the black ants. They don't bother me until they grow wings or find thier way into the house x thanks again for the welcome x

29 May, 2012


Hi Magnadoodle and welcome! I really enjoyed your post and look forward to your blog. GoY's very addictive! I joined in April, and just love the site - some great blogs and pictures, and excellent advice. If you want any answers there's always someone here who can provide them!

29 May, 2012


Welcome Magnadoodle. Would love to see the results of your little seed-dispersal-unit! :o)

29 May, 2012


Welcome from me too, I read somewhere that a new slug pellet was on the market msde from sheepwool, slugs it appears don't like the lanolin

BTW I'm addicted too.......I've learnt not to try to cook and chat on Goy at the same time........

29 May, 2012

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