Any one know the name of this plant
By Theoldgunner
Wiltshire, United Kingdom
On a visit to Monacute House I came across this plant. The leaves are similar to a Zonal Pelargonium. The flowers were small and maroon.
- 4 May, 2009
Definitely Geranium phaeum - could be 'Samobor' with those leaf markings.
4 May, 2009
Thanks to both of you. I noticed it was quite rampant in its growth.
4 May, 2009
Yes, I have this one and it is - even tho' it's a young plant - only a year old.
4 May, 2009
I have this and it had the additional name of 'mourning widow' it self seeds freely.
4 May, 2009
i think it is a hardy geranium i have noticed that some geraniums and pelagoniums have similar folage, maybe a pheam
4 May, 2009