Advice needed re turfing a difficult lawn
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I would be very grateful for some advice on lawns. My lawn area needs completely re-turfing as it is a mixture of weeds, very long grass and dry patchy soil. The problem is the lawn is on quite a steep downward slope and surrounded by trees so it is mostly shady and dry. Could you advise what sort of turf I should get that would work in these conditions. I am not expecting a perfectly lush and green lawn, but some sort of relatively even green coverage would make a lovely change from the weedy, patchy area it currently is. Many thanks.
5 May, 2009
I asked one of the turf suppliers in my area whether they supplied turf suitable for shady areas and their answer was they didn't as it was not commercially viable - they need to produce turf in bulk and there was not enough demand.
If may be therefore that you cannot source specialist turf like this.
I'm not sure that the shady lawn seed is suitable for dry areas - it may be that it is less drought resistant than the normal tough ryegrass combinations - it might be worth asking the grass specialists.
What I would suggest is once you have dug up your exisiting turf is to add a lot of moisture retentive soil, improve the general soil quality, and use a sprinkler system if you are not in an area where there are water restrictions. Regular cutting and feeding appropriately will be important in keeping a good quality lawn once it has establised its roots. I have let my lawn become long in the past and it goes yellow underneath and then is difficult to get back into good condition.
6 May, 2009
yes seeds mite be an option and the above
7 May, 2009
Thank you Noseypotter and Weedfingers for your advice. Now I just have to convince my poor husband to "dig up the existing turf".......thanks again. BLB
7 May, 2009
no problem yourt welcome bees
7 May, 2009
i would definatly try one of the hardier mixes of grass seed and i think its rye grass (could be wrong) the best people to ask are wear your getting your turf .
5 May, 2009