By Richard99
United Kingdom
How do I look after lupine
Thanks everyone for your answers - When I deadhead - where do I do this at the top of the stalk or the bottom - sorry for not knowing anything!
4 Jun, 2012
When they have finished flowering cut off the dead heads. You may get more coming later. Otherwise, not a lot. It they are young plants they should bulk up and give an even better show next year. They are perennials so they can stay where they are and will flower year after year.
4 Jun, 2012
I'm afraid that slugs and snails are drawn to them. If they're new plants, then you should take steps to protect them.
4 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Do you mean Lupins, Richard? If you do, they are really hardy plants and look after themselves, really. You can cut back any spent flower spikes to encourage more flowers. If you want to collect seed, let one spike set seed and collect when the pods have gone black and brittle. You may not get the same colour from seed, however.
4 Jun, 2012