Sidalcea problems
By Mookins
United Kingdom
I have 3 of these and at the moment they seem to be just very sad looking floppy little leaves and a small stem, I know nothing about them and only bought them cos they sounded nice and they are apparently pink,
very silly I know,
any help to get these little sweethearts the hugeness they are supposed to be would be much appreciated
x x x
p.s I only have this name and this colour and dont know anything alse about their .... breed!?
On plant
6 May, 2009
Ive had them quite a while CN, Ive read that flower spikes in late summer but thats all I know, if they supposed to get to about 3ft I think they need to get a wriggle on... will wait and see what other help I get then ask the owners
cheers hun
x x x
6 May, 2009
A bit like a mini hollyhock and lovely.
You may have one that likes acid soil too, hun. Some will grow better in it. Light, well drained and moist. Full sun.
6 May, 2009
mmm... may have to move them then possibly... will think on that one... naughty mookins for not checking before planting...
x x x
6 May, 2009
Hi Mookins, I have these and at the moment they are only 6" tall. I have them in light shade and they flower late july early august. the flower is a little hollyhock-ish in appearance and is about 3ft as you say. It has been very windy here and they need to drink lots of water, I have had to water them daily.
6 May, 2009
well they have had a bit of rain over past few days, will check them tomorrow and give them an extra drink from now on
thanks SBG
x x x
6 May, 2009
If you haven't got acid soil, try them in a large pot with ericaceous compost. They're not too big for this.
I'd check your species first though as it may just be stress and not the soil.
6 May, 2009
stress... maybe i need some ericaceous soil then hehe
x x x
6 May, 2009
Or, you could use Iron Sequestrine (sp.?) liquid feed. The soil only comes in 20 l bags I think and it should be used fresh every year. A liquid feed would last longer?
6 May, 2009
mine are growing on /in chalky soil and i dont do anything special with them. I seem to remember when i bought them that they were not fussy either way. I mulch with leaf mould spring/autmn.
6 May, 2009
We grow these in general purpose compost in 10" pots.Plenty of water & they flower profusely,although they probably don't reach more than a couple of foot.They're in their fourth season now & seem to get stronger by the year.
30 Jun, 2009
well they are nearly knee high now, much happier looking. thank goodness
will put it down to their first year see how they go
x x x
30 Jun, 2009
i have apicture of mine on here somewhere, possible in my plant list.
1 Jul, 2009
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Hmmmm, need more info Mookins, have you just in the last few days bought them? I presume you have watered them, as new plants do tend to be dry, lol!
I don't know anything of these plants either, but if you click on the name on the top of this page, it shows there are at least 2 other goy'ers growing this. You could pm them possibly if no-one else responds to this q.?
Btw, I luuurve pink!!
6 May, 2009