By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am looking at planning my new section to my allotment for next year and the rest of this as I have been offered another 700sq feet that was the other half of mine before it was split in half at the moment it is a jungle of weeds and will need about a months work to clear and prepare I am looking at seven 7x8 ft beds and a 2 ft paths between them and down the middle with a corner section to be made into compost bins. What seed could I sow into trays now and plant out in mid July.
5 Jun, 2012
I wrote this article on allotments a few years ago for the benefit of people such as yourself.
I have included loads of related links and slide shows.
I hope you find it useful....Tg
5 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Hi Steve
In pots to plant out: Courgette, squash, peas, runner beans, broccoli, calabrese, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts (if you get them sown soon), cauliflower, cabbage (depending on variety). Carrots (for a late crop/salad veg.) and radish can be sown when your plot is ready. Obviously salad leaves and the like... it might even be worth putting in some onion sets and garlic...
Good luck and let us know how the new part of the allotment goes :-)
5 Jun, 2012