By Andrea
United Kingdom
Removing flower spikes from hostas............I think the flowers detract from the beauty of the foliage, can I remove them as they grow?
7 Jun, 2012
You can cut them off, but they rarely last long anyway, so why bother. They are quite pretty flowers and many of the hosta have scented flowers.
Still, each to their own.. :)
7 Jun, 2012
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« I just bought 2 callistemon plants, they are about 6 inches hight now. I am...
yes just cut them out as close to the plant as you can , I leave them on then take off after they have flowerd , they dont flower for that long I think they look realy nice plus the bees love them as well which is a plus , I had a seeds develope on one I missed off I planted the seed and I have about 10 baby plants 1st time for me
7 Jun, 2012