By Obxgirl
North Carolina,
United States
I just bought 2 callistemon plants, they are about 6 inches hight now. I am giving them as gifts, plan to pot them up for now. I think they will be ok to keep this way until large enough to go outside, we are subject to high winds and I feel they need to have more roots to plant outside. Any suggestions. I have one about 8 feet high, just survived hurricane Irene, and is looking good
7 Jun, 2012
They make good pot subjects for quite a while if they're small to start with - I've got one that's been in a pot for nearly 4 years, not the same pot, been potted on once, and will be potted into a slightly larger one again this year. They look marvellous in flower, but often not quite so attractive afterwards, so if they're in a pot, you can tuck them away in a less obvious spot.
7 Jun, 2012