By Sophiemears
United Kingdom
Seedling ID please.
Can't remember if I sowed these, or if they are weeds. Can anyone help please? Pictured with my trusty gardening 'kitchen' fork for size info.

8 Jun, 2012
I doubt if they will be direct sown peppers in Argyll in a bad June. Look like weeds to me but if in doubt I just let them grow on until they become recognisable then deal with them accordingly.
8 Jun, 2012
sweet peppers could be an interesting one Teegee. I've certainly seen some other veg appear, as I use my own kitchen waste compost a lot. (and we have had an astonishly hot and sunny May / June so far.
I do normally leave unknowns until i can identify them, but this lot are covering quite a large space, I'll maybe lift half, and leave half, see what happens. thanks folks.
8 Jun, 2012
Not sweet peppers, certainly, but looks very similar to a weed that comes up here, not sure what it's called. Is there any problem with just leaving them and seeing what they grow into. If it's a weed that shouldn't take long!
8 Jun, 2012
BTW it was a tongue in cheek humerous guess!;o))
As I said firstly ........ it could be anything!
I just wanted to get the ball rolling hence my suggestion:o))
8 Jun, 2012
Could be many things so I will start with;
Sweet peppers
8 Jun, 2012