By Sodbuster
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have an apple tree in large container,problem is the fruit is not setting,it was full of blossom then the fruit/blossoms have just about all fell off. looks like no apples again.forgot the name of the apple but i know it was self pollinating.
9 Jun, 2012
many thanks, i had suspected as much
9 Jun, 2012
Only other thing I'd add is a question - did the blossom fall of normally, or did it wither and remain on the tree?
9 Jun, 2012
the fruit actually set,then the small apples and stalks just started dropping off. i expected some June drop but thats taking the mickey.
9 Jun, 2012
When the fruits dropped off, did they have an entry hole in the side where something had bored into it? I'm wondering about Apple Sawfly infestation, which would make the fruits fall...
10 Jun, 2012
Fruit tree that are grown in pots, are always suseptable to changes in growing conditions, whether being too wet or too dry. When they are put under stress, one of the first things that they will do is to not set or drop their fruit and then can go on to drop their leaves. I would suggest that you move the tree into the garden during the dormant period.
9 Jun, 2012