West Sussex,
United Kingdom
My whole garden has been flattened by all the freak strong winds we have had down south. My Delphiniums, Digitalis, Lillies, Poppies etc.. etc.... what should i do now? will they grow back? please somebody help me ? I have only just established my garden and am absolutely gutted!!! :( :( :(
9 Jun, 2012
All my beds, whether herbasceous border or veg have turned into ponds. We had rivers running down everywhere and they are still running. Thankfully all the tall plants are supported by shrubs or make do supports that they grew up into. The only victim I have is my Angelica plant that is listing at 45 deg towards it's supporting post :-) But the ash trees on the drive and sycamore on the front boundary have shed loads of cuttings that will no doubt take root throughout the garden.
9 Jun, 2012
Lost my poly house...the whole thing is just a mangled wreck on the patio. With it went all my seedlings, tomatoes, peppers, chillis, large daturas and every sodding thing that's in there.
Weather doesn't usually bother me...i can put up with prolonged amounts of rain, sun, heat, snow you name it but a day of wind seriously gets me down.
9 Jun, 2012
yes, same here in Oxfordshire! It is gutting I agree, when you see all your hard work ruined. We have gone out this morning and supported some plants with canes, and simply cut away the damaged stuff and generally tidied up. Quite a lot will grow back ok whenever we have some warm weather, other things are gone for this year.
9 Jun, 2012
I am in Bristol and fingers crossed I have been quite lucky, it was simply awful looking at the carnage that the wind was crating and I was cringing and checking my plants every 2 minutes, I tried to erect some kind of wind breaker but I gave up on the attempt as the wind was too strong. What I did a few weeks ago before the heavy rain came was to tie fishing wire around all of my plants and then tied the fishing wire to the trellises to keep them upright, it did not damage the plants and is clear so it does not look ugly, it seems to have worked with this dreadful wind too. My daises, Heliums, phlox and lavender seal are tall plants and they are still standing thank goodness.
9 Jun, 2012
Oh dear.! It has been awful, worse I think because the warm weather had things growing strongly, I,d tie back anything ok and cut back anything broken, what a year!
Andy what a shock to have all the young plants devastated like that, how awful for you, so sorry. :0((
9 Jun, 2012
My herbacious boarder has been spoilt too,things have grown realy tall with all the rain and now flattened.... the aquilegia's are on the ground...... but thats gardening with the great british weather for you.
9 Jun, 2012
Always a challenge Poppy.....I get the feeling we'll get a few hot dry days soon and thats a challenge too....
Seems to me with the weather the highs are higher and the lows are lower than they used to be......
10 Jun, 2012
Some will come back up by themselves especially the lower growing plants but with the taller ones you will need to push a cane into the ground beside them and tie them up to it for support.
Or some sort of support anyhow if you dont want canes.
If they are just flattened and not broken they will be OK.
I should think most of us have had some of our plants well knocked about in the last few days.
9 Jun, 2012