My lawn is mainly moss, what can I do?
By Wenrtch
United Kingdom
I live in Basingstoke on a housing estate, in a row of five terrace houses, the garden faces North East, all of the five houses have the same problem and very little grass grows.
10 May, 2009
If you want to have grass you could try the grass seed that you can buy at DIY stores and garden centres especially for shady places. It will mean digging up your exisiting lawn and preparing the ground. You could always experiment with a section of it to see if it works rather than dig up the whole lawn.
I have seen some fantastic designs of gardens in books that are in a cool and shady aspect,- they can still have a lot of interest.
If you want to be very innovative you could try having a Japanese moss garden with some gravel, bamboo, a Japanese lantern or stone bowl.
The possibilities are endless.
10 May, 2009
Dig it up and create a nice gravel garden :0)
10 May, 2009