By Booboosmum
United Kingdom
Would anyone be interested if i did a blog on the progress of my new back garden?, I mean i dont wanna bore anyone lol
10 Jun, 2012
Bamboo's right, Booboosmum. I think that you'll find everyone very encouraging! :)
10 Jun, 2012
That's what this site is for. If anyone is bored, they don't have to read it do they ... but it sounds interesting to me :o)
10 Jun, 2012
I love before and after photos and blogs :-))
10 Jun, 2012
awwww thanks everyone, i promise to try and make it interesting :)
10 Jun, 2012
having said all that about boring blogs, I don't think I've seen one on this site that's just a lot of text with no paragraphs and no punctuation, thus rendering the whole thing unreadable - but I've seen plenty on other sites.
10 Jun, 2012
Blogs are great - not only are they interesting for the reader, but they give you a whole new perspective on your garden/project and act as a journal for you. And as Hywel rightly says, if anyone doesn't like it, they can stop reading it! Go for it!
10 Jun, 2012
The 1st pics and text will be the 'before' of the garden that has not been touched for 2 years.
Then of the donkey work, a tree coming out , the mini digger ripping everything out, patio , lawn, pebble water feature, (keeping the pump and stones to use in the new garden)
The decking, gravel, paving, pond and 3 flower beds followed by the exciting bit, planting!!!! :))
look ^^^^^^
punctuation and paragraphs!!! :)
10 Jun, 2012
Sounds interesting to me, just the sort of thing we like!
10 Jun, 2012
Thanks Mel!! you're right they can!!
10 Jun, 2012
Looks like it's going to be really good!
10 Jun, 2012
Go for it, girl!!! :o))
10 Jun, 2012
Thanks Karen, work begins on Mon 18th so watch this space!
10 Jun, 2012
Breath already held....! :-}
10 Jun, 2012
Looking forward to this...
10 Jun, 2012
It's so nice to encourage a new member, isn't it Bamboo? :))))
10 Jun, 2012
Bboboosmum.....Hywel is quite right! Don't ever feel afraid to put anything you like about your gardening experiences on here. We love all the blogs, even the ones without pictures. Everyone on here has something to contribute and we don't monitor the 'standard' of your contributions....well, most of us don't anyway. :) Go for it, I am looking forward to it already. Nothing beats a good make-over blog! :D
10 Jun, 2012
Wooo, felt that one, obvious strike 1 rather than the veiled ones you've been dishing out in my direction recently, Karensusan... I was thinking of blogs on Gardeners Click, not on here, actually, where for some reason one is not able to insert photos into the main blog. And a bit of journalistic advice is, surely, useful? Or perhaps you don't agree....
10 Jun, 2012
Journalist as well? wow!
10 Jun, 2012
Ah, you didn't know that? Well, you learn summat every day I guess...
10 Jun, 2012
10 Jun, 2012
Thankyou Karen :)
10 Jun, 2012
Most welcome Booboosmum...and welcome to GoY! :))
10 Jun, 2012
And you'll soon leave the ironing and burn the dinner...just like the rest of us, Boo!! lol! :o)))
10 Jun, 2012
I say go ahead, I love looking at all sorts and never ever get bored with anything to do with gardens and gardening, otherwise it would not be a gardening site, so no need to even mention it! :)))) Look forward to your blog :))))
10 Jun, 2012
Michaella Thanks! Karenfrance what exactly IS ironing??
10 Jun, 2012
Look forward to the journalistic or non journalistic blog, with or without pictures. I love garden makeovers. I find them very inspiring - in fact I think it was Alan Titchmarsh who started me off on my gardening make-over over 20 years ago. I love him and his ideas and his makeovers. I don't know what Ironing is either, that must be something new. lol. I do know about burning the dinner whilst sat writing on here lol. ah well another one for the circle of goy'ers addicts annonymous :o) welcome from me too happy gardening Booboosmum enjoy your makeover, I look forward to reading all about it will add you as a favourite so I do not miss any of it. :O)))))
10 Jun, 2012
Awww thanks Olive and I've reciprocated, your garden is beautiful :)
10 Jun, 2012
I like reading before and after blogs too.....can't advise re Ironing - that's not my job :))))
10 Jun, 2012
Oh Goody! I LOVE a Cinderella story - especially the transformation scene. Lots and lots of pictures, please, BBM, and regular updates, the good bits and the bad - (we all need to know that we aren't the only one who very occasionally gets it wrong). "An everyday story of gardening folks. You go, Girl. I for one will be watching every step you take.
10 Jun, 2012
I have to admit...that I only got an iron to impress my, then boyfriend, now husband...
...and, he's the only one who uses it!!!
But, he's good at frocks! :)))
10 Jun, 2012
Are they his own frocks though Karenfrance lol :o)
10 Jun, 2012
Well...I don't interfere, Oliveoil...I'm in the garden! lol!!! ;)))
10 Jun, 2012
Love it Karenfrance love it!! My thinking entirely. Leave them to their own devices lol. Brill!!!
10 Jun, 2012
YAY... Yes please Bbm....I would love to see your pics as I am in the very early stages of transforming my gardens.... looking for ideas to pinch, and to learn from others experience. Only found the site a few weeks ago :) Have you got some pics of as it is just now to share :) Look forward to seeing your pics and sharing your story....and having some friendly chat along the way :) Welcome to Goy
10 Jun, 2012
Thanks for all your comments.
Magna, I will do some before pics tomorrow, be warned its not a pretty site or sight lol.
10 Jun, 2012
Neither is mines at the moment..... Been out in the rain all afternoon hand weeding the cracks of the patio.... Before I put up a pic of the full back garden.... Aka operation back of house....I've got a long way to go! Had a look at the pics you have posted so far.... Liking you choices .....and bargains!
10 Jun, 2012
oh blimey Magna! I use Resolva, kills weeds within 24 hours, I bought 2 bottles for £8 last week, 99% are dead now.
PS If you havent seen my older blogs, my back garden hasnt been touched for 2 years due to personal circumstances but we inherited some money, and some is funding the makeover. We had the front done last year, I will post before & after pics tomorrow.
10 Jun, 2012
I got through full bottle of spray in front crazy paving, have used 2 powders in can on back but it rained so lots growing, and I've zero spare funds for garden til payday ne t month so done it by hand, found it rather therapeutic! Tuesday I start hacking at the hedge in front. I've read a few of your blogs will go back and read rest x
10 Jun, 2012
aww oh well if u dont mind it..... good luck with the hedge, dont wear yourself out :) x
10 Jun, 2012
When I first joined this site I was very wary of putting photos on as everyone else's gardens looked so beautiful, tidy, organised and planned, while mine sounded like yours - with the machines trundling in and mud everywhere! I had nothing but encouragement and have learned soooooo much over the past few years, so don't hold back - show it all to us - weeds and all! We're all right behind you! :o)
11 Jun, 2012
Thanks Nariz! :-)
11 Jun, 2012
Everyone loves a makeover blog Boo especially with before and after pics. Really looking forward to it:-))
11 Jun, 2012
Thanks Bornagain :-)
11 Jun, 2012
The secret, Booboosmum, is a lot of photographs with captions - maybe the plant names of what's in the picture, in between the text of your blog, and before and after pics are a great favourite. What doesn't work is a blog that's just straight text, very long, without a paragraph in site, and often without full stops either... We all love to see the progress of a garden, specially a transformation taking place, albeit slowly.
10 Jun, 2012