By Pixielady
United Kingdom
One of our Papaver Orientale's beautiful flowers are suffering from a disease - the buds are covered in black spots & though they open some way the petals also becomes to get the black spots & then appears to die - can anyone help please?

11 Jun, 2012
now I thought typical of sap sucking insect damage that causes the latex to run.
11 Jun, 2012
Bit of both?
11 Jun, 2012
Certainly the mould would grow on the sap.
11 Jun, 2012
and with the damp that would also be ideal for fungal growth.
11 Jun, 2012
Cut them down and you may well get another flowering later on.
12 Jun, 2012
Hi thanks all - I've cut off the stems that are infected wrapped in a bag & put in our 'black bin' for collection! I'll keep an eye on the plant to see if any other stems develop the dastardly problem! Thanks again.
12 Jun, 2012
It is one of the many mildew/mould type infections which hit plants in cool damp conditions. Not much you can do about it except cut out the affected stems and burn or bin.
11 Jun, 2012