Do I deadhead Grape Hyacinths?
By Ladyb
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I was wondering if someone could advise on what I need to do to my Grape Hyacinths.
Do I deadhead them as they have now finished flowering, do I leave them to die down naturally, or do I cut everything including the green leaves?
I do want them to flower every year so don't want to kill them.
Thanking you in advance
10 May, 2009
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spring bulbs
I have a few clumps but want some more so I am going to let everything die down naturally . Some gardeners find them a nuisance because they seed so much but that doesn't seem to happen to me.
10 May, 2009
Inverglen I know how you feel, ive never had any before and this year I had 1!!
so am going to let it spread
x x x
11 May, 2009
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If you don't want them seeding everywhere you remove the seedheads but leave the leaves to die down naturally.
10 May, 2009