By Shedman
United Kingdom
Does anybody recognise this plant. It grows in little clusters in my lawn and is gradually spreading. The picture is about 18 inches square

16 Jun, 2012
I have this and Ojibway93 is right, 'Prunella vulgaris' it seems to have medicinal value too. Godgle it! :)
In lawns, use a weedkiller such as a 2, 4-D-based herbicide to remove self-heal. Apply in cool, moist, calm conditions when there is least risk of accidentally damaging nearby garden plants.
16 Jun, 2012
Saw some for sale in the garden centre the other day...six quid a pot !!!!!!!!
16 Jun, 2012
yep its prunella [self-heal] and the white and pale pink forms are valued garden plants but £6!!!!!! certainly need to heal the hole in my purse at that price.
16 Jun, 2012
Gosh ! I could make a pretty penny from my front grass, then!
16 Jun, 2012
Thanks for all the comments, I seem to have a choice of buying weedkiller or having a lawn sale.
21 Jun, 2012
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Does it have tough dark wiry stems? If it does it might be self-heal.
16 Jun, 2012