By Lheath
United Kingdom
I have a tiny garden - where do I put old compost from the containers? I don't have much flowerbed space!
16 Jun, 2012
Trying to picture what you mean, I think you mean when you empty a pot either after its contents are dead or you are potting on, you are left with the compost thast was in it.
If this is the case, and providing you didn't have plants that had contracted a disease in the compost, you can spread it out over your flowerbeds.
If the plants were diseased then dump the compost in the council tip!
16 Jun, 2012
Or you could do as I do with any spare compost and mix it with a product such as
and use it again for your tubs and pots.
16 Jun, 2012
If you dont put it on your flowerbeds then I would put it in a compost bin provided its not diseased.
16 Jun, 2012
We have a green garden bin but no compost allowed in it MG
16 Jun, 2012
Gosh amazed Scotkat... in Moray you are 'supposed' to put your cooked food waste in the recycling bin - Bulba draws the line at that and the small amount there is goes in the general wheelie bin.
16 Jun, 2012
Thats madness Scotkat!, surely whatever is put in green bins is made into compost???!!!!
16 Jun, 2012
Agree! It's a mad, mad, world my friends...
16 Jun, 2012
16 Jun, 2012
No compost allowed in ours here in Edinburgh either! The bin men always open the lid and look in. I think they expect us to wash the roots out too!!!
That's why I always make the effort to cut the grass day before bins get emptied - it hides anything I have missed :))
16 Jun, 2012
If no room for a small compost bin I would get a large plastic tub/flower pot split the soil from the plants put plant material in a council bin and the soil in the pot cover it with some kind of lid ie piece of wood and then next spring mix with some new compost and a little john innes base and use it again. Have a plant in a pot to put on top of the pot with soil and it becomes a feature of its own.Of course make sure their are no vine weavils etc in the soil. We are not allowed to put soil in the council green bags which we have to pay and extra £25 a year for them to be emptied and £5 to buy them!!.
17 Jun, 2012
We can't put compost/soil in our green wheelie either. Maybe a small composter, if room, and use the product mentioned above to re compost plus Armillotox to clear the compost of say vine weevil eggs and some other pests. Currently I have 1 potato growing in my compost dumping corner......don't know how it got there. It will be interesting to see if it produces anything!
17 Jun, 2012
If you really don't have enough flower bed area to deposit it on the only suggestion I can make is to put in your brown bin then it will be recycled as new compost as part of your council's efforts to reduce landfill.
16 Jun, 2012