Sick Honeysuckle
By Bernard
United Kingdom
My 2 year old Honeysuckle is beginning to deteriorate and I suspect it has become the victim of Powdery Mildew.
I have sprayed it twice with fungicide and also given it a feed. Some slight improvement occurred, but the problem has re-appeared and the deterioration has continued with the Mildew? re-appearing on a couple of leaves. I wonder if my diagnosis might be wrong so have attached a photo of a couple of leaves which may give the experts something to go on.
On plant

14 May, 2009
One drastic possibility, as it's the height of the growing season, you could cut it back to the healthiest point and let it make more new growth. I've got an old honeysuckle by the front door which gets mildew every year. I've cut it back several times. It hasn't killed it - but it hasn't cured the mildew either!
14 May, 2009
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certainly looks like powdery mildew. I cant suggest anything else other than what you are already doing. is there a gap behind the trellis to improve air circulation?
14 May, 2009