Why have my roses got leaf curl and dying on new growth.
By Oldgnr0
United Kingdom
I have recently sprayed all twelve rose bushes with Bayer Garden Provado Ultimate Bug Killer, resulting in new growth getting leaf curl and becoming limp. This is mainly on recently purchased roses. The established climbing rose has burn marks and curling on the leaves. I used the concentrate as described on the container, with a pump spray. Please advise on further treatment to save these lovely plants. Thank you. Ken S
- 14 May, 2009
did you spray in strong sun or did the sun come out shortly after spraying. this sounds very much like sun scorch.
or have you previously had weedkiller in the spray pump? sometimes residues are in a high enough concentration to damage other plants. I have a separate hand spray for weedkiller for that reason. They should recover however you can prune back any badly affect stems and new shoots will grow,
welcome to GoY by the way.
14 May, 2009