Leaving mowed grass on top of the cut grass
By Valerieleach
United Kingdom
Our gardener for my place of work always leaves the cut grass on top of the cut grass, I questioned him and asked him to clear it as it goes brown and blows everywhere & he said he leaves it on top because it feeds the underneath cut grass ! I think hes just being lazy and doesnt want to clear it, can you advise?
15 May, 2009
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Agreed, but another point is that it does 'thatch' and eventually you have just got to scarify the lawn to get rid of the material which collects round the base of the grass plants and chokes them.
15 May, 2009
x x x
tell him to pick up after himself, if you employed him he should do as you ask
x x x
15 May, 2009
Oh, yes. Thatching is another problem if it's left.
My lawn is a total mess anyway, but I'm in the process of raking out loads of thatch and being left with bare, raggedy patches.
If you're paying this guy, get him to move it.
15 May, 2009
Unless he is using a mulching mower, it should be removed. The thatching problem will need fixing later if not. So many services use blowers and just blow it out into the street, which is horrible, for many reasons.
15 May, 2009
Only time i leave grass on my lawn is the last cut in autunm and the first in spring,as the worms take it down and its suppose to be good for your grass, i think he is just being idle.
15 May, 2009
In damp weather it can start off fungal problems in the lawn. Not a good idea and looks horrid too.
15 May, 2009
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It does feed the lawn but, makes such a mess getting carried into the house on your shoes and as you say blows about, a lot of folk complain that emptying the box is harder work than mowing the lawn! but if you remove the grass you must be prepared to feed the lawn regularly.
The other alternative is mow every morning instead of every four days! Which is the lesser of the two evils?
15 May, 2009