By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
About Lupins
I have some pink/white lupins in my garden and last year saved some seed and grew some off it, they all came up various shades of pink except for this one which is a lovely deep purple. If I save seed from this plant will it come true to colour?

19 Jun, 2012
I like the surprises and this one is splendid!
19 Jun, 2012
I asked a similar question last year Anitamay. I was told that the seedlings would probably not come up the same as the parent plant. Which you have already found out.
I was advised to try get a little rooted cutting in spring time just as the plant was starting to grow.
I did manage to get a bit of the plant with roots. It has come on well and even produced 1 little flower bud - the same colour as the parent. So perhaps waiting until spring to do the same would be your best choice.
19 Jun, 2012
Previous question
« after spraying weedkiller on a bare patch, how soon can i plant bluebell seeds?
I doubt if anyone can tell you for sure. You may well get some purples and then some others too as you have just found with your pinks.
19 Jun, 2012