United Kingdom
Please could someone also ID this plant please? It's probably a weed in some people's eyes but I love it! I see it growing a lot in walls but have taken to putting in in random little pots all over the place as it's so easy to propogate and the little flowers are so dainty. The plant itself grows about 5cm high and has a spreading habit.

20 Jun, 2012
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rockery ideas
Wow that was quick! Thanks. Starting to wonder if they have a fragrance - never thought about sniffing them before ;-)
20 Jun, 2012
I think - from an earlier posting by Pimpernel - that this may be Ivy Leaved Toadflax. Grows on walls. (But not mine unfortunately, because I really like it.)
20 Jun, 2012
Toadflax... Bulba struggled to get it to grow in some of our walls... now it is everywhere!
20 Jun, 2012
Yes definitely ivy leaved toadflax. I have tried to get it to grow in a wall too but it has its own ideas about where it is happy and my wall wasn't it! Glad if grows well for you.
20 Jun, 2012
Was going to say campanula lyrata but the flower did not look right, so ivy leaved toadflax as others have said.
20 Jun, 2012
It took a few attempts to get it to grow in the walls! I tried for a couple of years before one took which is why I started keeping spare ones in little pots. When the flowers seed just places the seeds in crevices and bung in some soil to keep them in place. Or if you can put them on top of a wall with a bit of soil under a brick then they eventually don't need the brick and tumble down of their own accord. Mine seem to prefer shade as well. Thanks to everyone for your comments.
20 Jun, 2012
Lots of useful info :) great question. Nominated for rockery ideas x
20 Jun, 2012
It would totally take over in a rockery Magnad.
21 Jun, 2012
Couldnt see anything other to put it on MG - Couldnt see a tab for "plants that grow in cracks/walls" or Toadflax - just wanted to put it up there as the advice given by Julie on how to grow it was very concise. Maybe the powers that be will find a more appropriate section for it on Goypedia. I think this is a wonderful little plant - have seen in growing in a local country house.. now know its name and how to make it grow :)
21 Jun, 2012
If you can get the seed and want to put it into a wall, then the way forward is to press the seed into a little wet ball of garden clay and then push that into a crack in the wall. That gives the seed moisture to germinate and the clay holds it in place until the roots find a grip.
21 Jun, 2012
That's a great suggestion Owbd.
There are lots of plants that don't really have a space on Goypedia, mostly because the work is done by a group of volunteers and unless someone offers to take on a particular 'bit' it doesn't happen. I took on some of the alpine type treads for this reason.
21 Jun, 2012
Cannot claim credit for that idea it came from one Reginald Farrer, you may have heard of him.
21 Jun, 2012
Thanks for that tip Owdboggy
21 Jun, 2012
I have indeed Owdb. great man!
21 Jun, 2012
Ivy-leaved toadflax grows on the ancient wall at my place of work and I have tried and failed to grow it in a dry spot in my front garden. Only this week thoughI found some growing on a fence under a prolific honeysuckle. I was amazed to find it on a fence and in the back garden. And it doesn't get much light under that honeysuckle. Hopefully it will find another place to seed but my garden is pretty waterlogged this year, like most people's I guess. I can't get it to grow in pots. Wish I could cos I love it! Lucky you Dgw.
21 Jun, 2012
It just appeared in our garden a few years ago; I don't know where it came from. It is a welcome visitor but I suspect that it will require watching to keep it under control.
22 Jun, 2012
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Wild violet i think, they seed around freely.
20 Jun, 2012