help identify plant?
By Laura06
United Kingdom
i have this in my garden and i know i planted some new things last year but i have not been very organised and kept tabs on whats what.
if someone can identify what this is i would be very grateful.
it is getting quite large now and it needs to be moved but befroe doing that i would like to know what it is for care etc.
thanks very much

17 May, 2009
Could it be a buddleia seedling? They just arrive uninvited.
17 May, 2009
a type of buddleia maybe?
17 May, 2009
at the moment it is about 100cm high and about the same spread.
it has a good thick root so i am supposing it is a shrub .
sorry for the vagueness i am very much and amateur gardener really tring to make my little bit of land appealing.
17 May, 2009
i would say budleia too.
17 May, 2009
thanks very much guys,
i have had a look at this buddleia and think you are right.
i can now get some info on it.
17 May, 2009
That was EXACTLY my thought! I agree. :-)
17 May, 2009
Me too.
18 May, 2009
Previous question
When you say 'big', how big is big, please? Is it a shrub or a plant?
17 May, 2009