Why are some of my beetroot plants coming up?
By Michelew
United Kingdom
I've planted beetroot about 4" apart and they look incredibly healthy. Some seem to be lifting out of the soil and I'm not sure why - could it be that they are too close together? This didn't happen last year. Michele
On plant
17 May, 2009
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My beetroots always swell up above the soil level. I assume they are keen to be eaten!! You can earth them up a little if you want to.
18 May, 2009
Previous question
Doesn't sound abnormal to me. Sometimes birds try to pull them out, like onion sets. But we've had perfectly good multi-seeded beetroot growing right above the soil with only thin roots going down, which have still produced a good beet. I wouldn't worry about it as long as they are still rooted into the soil.
17 May, 2009